tisdag, september 07, 2010

it's in our blood

this weekend is going to be epic!
& yess i said epic
because when i think of this weekend,
the word epic is written all over it in neon!
friday- foods & wine @ my wifes house with her, loveh & tess
saturday- hitting the local watering holes with anna
sunday- we're getting a puppy!

so, as you can see.. my weekend will kick your weekends ass :))

2 kommentarer:

  1. tesselitess is not going to join us at friday :(
    which sucks ass, but she have to be at her sister's house at 12 och 13 at saturday.

    och jag har ingen aning om varför jag skrev det där på engelska.. jag bara flöt med i texten i din blogg eller något :(
